Wicked Fox by Kat Cho // Amanda // First Read Review


Image result for wicked foxFirst in a Series / YA / Modern Mythology / Korean

What a fun story with an engaging plot, and a romance I was rooting for. The layers of backstory as well as our main character deciding who she wants to be and navigating day to day life make this an interesting book.

Our main character is Miyoung, a young nine-tailed fox, who needs to consume men’s souls in order to survive. She meets Jihoon, and saves him from an attack in the woods and there starts their story.

The plot of this book is well defined and well thought out. The escalation of the action and the climax of the book is definitely the best part, and I was definitely invested in the outcome and surprised by the twist! Though the magic wasn’t complicated, it was a clear element that helped add to the plot, and the mythology helped this book feel deep and clear.

And though I usually don’t care about romance in YA books, I was actually invested in their story and really wanted them to get together! Jihoon was my favorite character and he felt definitely more filled out than Miyoung did. She, unfortunately, fell a little flat, and if she had been a realistic and relatable character, this would have been a near-perfect book.

The tension between mother and daughter is an especially great plot point. Miyoung’s mother has been through so much in her life, and she had clear reasons for what she did. Miyoung, on the other hand, definitely has valid feelings for her mother not telling her everything she needs to know about her life and her magic. When everything comes to a head in the end, this is the biggest tension point and really deepens the plot and emotions of the story.

Other August 2019 Reads:
A Witch Alone by James Nicol
All of Us With Wings by Michelle Ruiz Keil
Wicked Fox by Kat Cho
Beyond the Bright Sea by Lauren Wolk
Moonstruck Vol. 1: Magic to Brew by Grace Ellis
Sanctuary by V.V. James
Shadow of the Fox by Julie Kagawa
Soul of the Sword by Julie Kagawa

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